"House is the big property that comes from big investment. So, it must be passed the consideration as well before decision. In present, although the thought that want to have a house is made to be concrete more by loans for housing from banks that have so many and have a lot of facilities, people who want to have a house must check their readiness to apply for loans before." 

          Have the stability and liquidity  because lending of banks needs financial stability of borrower. At least, borrowers must have capital as down payment 10% -20% and some savings and salary that can bear the debt burden in long term. Moreover, financial institutions that lending also need a confidence by considers previous debt burden of borrower. So, you have a lot of choice but conditions are also many as well. Main conditions that banks whether approve the loans or not depend on these factors.
          Loans amount Financial institution will lend by consider from appraised price of collateral by granted on 80% - 90%. Banks may lend more if there are other factors such as occupation, stability, progression, ability in repay installment or extra work. Ability to pay installment will be considered from salary and income. Loans amount will be not over 35% - 40% of income per month that is the amount that can pay installment according to defined loan amount.
          Interest rate divided into two types, floating interest rate and stable interest rate. If interest tends to be increasing more and more indefinitely, you should try to choose stable interest rate that longest in promotion. It will be benefit in long term.
         Documents for loans application Documents that show list of assets such as salary slip, salary account, account that has circulating at least 6 months. In the case of business owner, business registration is required.
         Fees and Expenses  Appraisal charge, transfer fee, common fee charge, mortgage fee, fire insurance charge, etc.
By : TerraBKK.com