October is the late of rainy and start of winter, but this year, rainy seems to like Thailand specially because although cold wind will blow in until you can feel, it still rain heavily until many dams cannot receive the water and draining out hastily. Moreover, amount of rain that increase everyday make many region start to face the flood that not only make the problem about living and transportation, but it also make the problem about disease too. So, TerraBKK worried this situation and compile the data of disease that can be occurred in the flood to make you careful.

1. Athlete’s foot The popular disease that come with flood because until the water arrive to your front door, it has passed germs all the way it comes. The water that flooded in the city is the source of germs. So, Athlete’s foot is occurred from stepping or soaks in the water that has germs or wears the stinky clothes or shoes for a long time.

Symptom foot decay, purulent and itchy skin between the toes. Next, skin is started to peel off, blister, toe thick and cracked.

Protect and cure Avoid wearing dirty clothes or stinky shoes, take care of cleanness of foot continuously, and wash foot every time after wading and rub with alcohol and antibiotic.

2. Conjunctivitis It seems unlikely come with flood. But in anytime that flood happens, it is good chance for spreading of conjunctivitis because flood is the environment that support to the growth of fruit fly that is main carrier of conjunctivitis and when conjunctivitis virus enter the human, conjunctivitis will spread much easily.

Symptom In early, eyes pain, have a lot of gum in the eyes, white of the eyes is red, swelling behind the eyes. It is usually starts in one side first and then spread to the other. Conjunctivitis can be healed within 1-2 week(s). But if it isn’t healed, it may be inflamed in the eyes next.

Protect and cure Beware fruit fly during flood, avoid being near the person who infected, wash the hands frequently and if you infected, you should see a doctor to treat by eye drops or anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Gastrointestinal tract disease During flood, nutriment will be harder than regular definitely. Some might be contaminated by bacteria that we don’t expected is the cause of gastrointestinal tract disease.

Symptom This disease has many symptoms such as diarrhea, liquid stools and vomiting, have some blood in stools, or cholera.

Protect and cure Eat the clean food, do not keep food scraps or rubbish near your body, wash the hands before eating always.

4. Pneumonia It will happen in the case of unexpected flood, soak water for a long time or choke the water and adulterated thing into lung.

Symptom high fever, cough, gasp for breath quickly, see the rib dimpled, lip become pale, fidget or drowsily and some might be lose consciousness.

Protect and cure You should see a doctor immediately because you cannot cure by yourself.

Moreover, flood also comes with other disease carriers such as rat, spider or poisonous reptile that escape the flood in your house. So, you should take care of your house and your health.