For investment, the faster you invest, the faster you get returns. The age that most suitable for investment is age that graduated and have a job – the age between 25 – 30 years old. But for such age, there are so many enticements because just feel to the power of money and can find money by themselves. So, income of people in this age will be spent by social, things, parties, travel. Many people found that working age people cannot save the money on first 2-3 years. They start to save the money seriously when they reached 30 years old than when compare to those who prepare earlier, it’s considered as missed opportunity.

One of investments that interesting for those who not yet reached 30 years old is Real estate investment that has advantage of long-term return in large amount of money and continuous.

Investment in Real estate effectively should be started before you reached 30 with 6 reasons as below:
  1. For living many people who not yet reach 30 years old, work in a place that far from home. So, they live in apartment and pay rent every month and rents that they paid can pay the installment of house or condominium.
  2. Low interest rate and long-term loan home interest rate is the lowest interest rate and longest term of installment payment. Housing loan has installment term in contract maximum 30 years and variety of interest rate. So, real estate purchasing is not heavy burden.
  3. Able to rent out and get passive income Real estates have the best advantage is being permanent property and the value is always increasing. The younger you buy house and rent it out, the more income you get. For example, you’ve purchased condominium 2 MB, rent out for 15,000 baht/month, this condo will provide income 180,000 baht/year and can be more due to potential of location. If you rent out when you are 25 years old, when you’ve reached 30, you will have income from this condo 900,000 Baht. Make money almost million when reached 30 years old. It’s so interesting, isn’t it?
  4. Be heritage Real estates are considered as one of properties that people all ages chose to build the wealth themselves or sent to their descendants as heritage. As you seen, many successful investor received heritage from their parents or ancestors both land, house as well as hotel and take those properties to develop or sell to make one's way from real estate until success in the future.
  5. Be the great collateral Real estate is the collateral that every financial institution welcomes if you want a capital. Your property will transform to capital easily because life is uncertainty. The changing in job or business failure are things which may be happened in the future.
  6. Be the investment that defeat inflation In the present, inflation is the main obstacle that reduce the value of your money. One of investment which can beat the inflation is real estate investment. Some people might questioned that Can people not reached 30 years old have the money enough to invest in real estates that have value so high up to million because most people in this age are salaryman that don’t have money enough to invest. So, these problems are solved by financial innovation that can divide real estate into minor units to make many people possess such real estate considered as co ownership. This type of investment called," investment in property fund" that not need to invest for a hundred thousand or million, just have the minimum money 500 bath or more.

Investment before reached 30 years old is the good thing and should to do according to mentioned reason but people in this age have the limitations that cannot find a capital to purchase real estate because on the first 2-3 years, income from job is not high and spend a lot. So, when you’ve start working, you should spend carefully and collect the money most for your better future.

Article by : TerraBKK